18 December, 2006

I'd like to amend some of my earlier unkind comments about the CSI choir. I won't delete them because I want this blog to be an honest record of my experiences and feelings, and that sort of revisionist editing would undercut the whole endeavour. But I can offer a more positive perspective now that is equally true.

The Holy Trinity CSI church had its Christmas carol service on Saturday, and I was very pleasantly surprised by the choir. We really pulled it together over the course of the last week, and sounded very good on Saturday. And I even actually had fun singing with them. Never saw that coming. Musical ability aside, the choir is a great group of people who sing for all the right reasons and who definitely do they best they can with what they've got. and I certainly can't fault them for that. They're all very happy singing in the choir-- I was the one who had a problem and was being overly-critical.

As much as I bitched and moaned about having to practice every single night for the past two months, I'm kind of bummed now that choir season is winding down. Singing in all these choirs was a very positive experience and was an opportunity to get to know people I probably wouldn't have otherwise and was a great way to get familiar with a new language.

So consider this my apology to the choir. It's still not very well run or organized, but that's ok. It doesn't have to be. I'm sure it doesn't bother God in the least, and it shouldn't bother me either.


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